Upul Dassanayake

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Specializations – International Trade, Project Management and SME Development

Mr. Upul Dassanayake is a dynamic entrepreneur, international consultant, and trainer with over 20 years of corporate experience, holding higher positions in financial, education, FMCG and ICT sectors. Mr. Dassanayake comes from a multidisciplinary background. He is a Management Graduate from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka and obtained his Master’s Degree in Information Technology from Keele University, UK. He is also a Licentiate Chartered Accountant. Mr. Dassanayake’s areas of specialization include Export Marketing Management, International Business Development, Export Policy Planning, Export Promotion & International Trade and SME Development.

Currently attached to International Trade Centre, United Nations as a National Consultant, Mr.Dassanayake provides high-level strategic advice and guidance to increase the trade competitiveness of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) especially ITO/BPO companies in developing Countries.